There are so many parts of Vienna to be discovered, I stumbled upon Stadtpark whilst getting lost en route to The Albertina. So contrary to popular belief, its actually good to get lost as often you will stumble upon something of beauty on the way. Stadtpark is a gorgeous park full of glorious red tulips, statues, pretty blooms and a big clock. Its a great place to sit for 5 minutes, to take in the sights and sounds of the City.
Here is the lovely bit of street art (below) which I had in mind to locate before the trip, which was in district, Hofmühlgasse 12. This was another day of walking around getting lost, exploring another part of Vienna and discovering new things on the way. This time it was more pastel pink and purple buildings, vending machines in the wall and beautiful streetart.
This beautiful building in the gallery below, is covered in mosiacs, artwork and gold, the real deal too, apparently. It is actually a waste incineration plant with artwork by eco-architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. I dropped by to see it up close and it looks really cool, like a Hanseel and Gretal House but not a sweet in sight, an original building to see and weird knowing it is a working one too.