One Good Thing
An idea started by Jason Ward of Oh Comely magazine, now know as Oh Magazine, #onegoodthing was a hashtag used each day on twitter each day at 1pm, as a reminder of no matter how tough a day is or the world seems, there is joy to be found in liking things and the small moments. I used to love getting involved in this and have complied a little list of my #onegoodthing. I really love the idea, also writing things down each day or night which you are grateful for is a really good way to take a moment to remember the brilliant little moments in each day, as there is always something to be found. Whether its #onegoodthing or a gratitude journal, writing something down really helps to focus on the small daily brilliances which exist amongst the chaos.

My little list of #onegoodthing
A random conversation which is brilliant and unexpected
Finding a brilliant bargain in a charity shop
Lovely views from the train window
New stationary
Stationary shops, they always make me feel amazing!
Discovering new music and mixes
Watching a film and it being the best
Having no expectations from an event and meeting new people whilst having the best time
The smell of fresh laundry, always
When someone sends you some post for no particular reason
Washing the dishes and the feel of the water splashing over your fingers (maybe thats just me?)
Finding a bargain in the reduced items section at the supermarket
Rediscovering something you thought you’d lost
Free samples when you go into department stores
Going for a run and managing more than usual
Exploring a new City or area of somewhere you never knew existed
Finding out something you never knew by having a conversation, reading a book or in whatever way it maybe
Laughing out loud
Connecting with someone through a shared interest
Learning how to use something new, in this case squarespace!
The way the light hits the trees
The way the light hits the water and makes it glisten!
The open road